Saturday, April 27, 2013

Our New Beginning.

About a month ago a new chapter of our lives began.  Perhaps the hardest chapter we've had to face yet.  To me, my son is a great deal of many things.  He's the most kindest, calmest, loving child I know.  He listens well, obeys commands, plays hard and loves greatly.  Of course, as every two year old, he has his moments... However, those moments do not define him.

A little history about my family;
My husband and I will have been married for 6 years come June 12th.  We met shortly after high school and have had some rough years.  Love and marriage at any age is work, but when you're young I believe it is so much harder.  We fight hard but love harder, which is what keeps us going.  In January of '11 we welcomed our son into this world, Connor.  Shortly thereafter my husband deployed for his 3rd time to one of the most dangerous areas of this world.  During this time my son had severe acid reflux, so nights alone were rough, long and hard.  My husband deployed for a 4th time a few weeks before Christmas in '12, just a little under 2 months before our son turned 2.

As months went on, I noticed my sons development regressed.  He spoke less words and more jargon, turned away more food, and became a little more mean spirited.  I ignored any signs for Speech Therapy for a while... Until I realized there is no harm in help.  He started Speech Therapy about a month ago and is thriving in it.  He is speaking more words, identifying more objects, and understanding more complex commands.  I have no doubt in my mind that Speech Therapy is worth it. Since he is such a picky eater, thus having an unhealthy diet, we decided to get him into Occupational Therapy as well.  [Still waiting on the approved referral].

With my husband gone, I've been able to handle busy weeks with many appointments, all necessary household chores, eating healthy and exercising.  All of this was not too much for me to handle, after all, my husband, Trevor, is coming home soon anyway.  My plate was full, but nothing I haven't dealt with before.  However, one night changed the course of our life as we knew it... &I'm still unsure on how we are going to cope, I just know that we are<3.

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