Wednesday, February 5, 2014

1 Week of School Down!

Today marks his one week of school completed.
He woke me up this morning by flying into my bed telling me "Mom, wake up!  It's time for school!"
I'm so relieved to know that he is so excited to go every single day.
I thought it would be a very hard transition for him, and felt so uncomfortable about leaving him without being able to at least keep an eye on him!
At first he was a little skeptical to go into the gate in the morning, but now he just throws his backpack on and runs on in.  At least he hasn't forgotten to look back at me and throw me a quick wave :)
&When we pick him up he runs up to me and shouts "Mommy!!"

Ah, he definitely has my heart, and it's definitely a tearjerker for me!
Every day before school is over they are allowed free play, so we can watch them for about 5-10 minutes before they have to line up.  I just love watching him have fun.
This has let me be able to enjoy my "free" time so much more.  I'm no longer stressed or anxious.
It's a very good feeling :)
When we went to pick him up we decided to bring Daisy along.  He was so excited to see her, and insisted on "walking" her.  His best lil bud<3.

I'm so excited for the rest of the school year and for his first field trip.
Next week is his lil Valentines Party, so our next craft is to make him a little "mailbox" and decorate it.
Things have been really upsetting lately, and so many "small" things have been happening seemingly every single day… These moments with Connor and seeing how happy he is definitely brightens our mood and gives us the boost we need to keep trucking through.
We know it could be so much more worse, so putting our faith in God [along with our worries and stresses] and enjoying the little things and all the blessings we do have, is what's keeping us sane.
While we wait for this bad luck streak to end, I suppose we can just enjoy the things that are going right :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

First Day of Pre-School

This past week my son started Pre-School at Side by Side [McKinley].
We started this process in December and had a series of 6 assessments to see if he could qualify.
I'm glad that programs like this one exists for those who truly need it.  After taking him to Speech and OT back in April I've started to be very much aware of his delays.
This program will help him meet new goals and help him get ready for Kindergarten when the time comes.  All the teachers are very nice and I love the fact that they aren't 100% strict in their structure of learning and participating.
Connor would get very overwhelmed and frustrated when having to participate in structured activities, so I was relieved to know that this wasn't going to be a problem.
They will work with him until he can successfully participate in a "whole days" class.

His final assessment was information overload.  It took 2 hours to go over a huge packet of what they've observed over the course of 5 appointments and what they hope for him to get out of this program.  I'm very thankful that they broke it down and explained everything they were going to submit to state.  I'm still not familiar with all the terms but we both agreed to his short term goals and are very excited to see him get there :)

He was very excited to start, as we've been reading books to him about school and have been talking to him a lot about it.  The first day he was so ready that I barely got a kiss outt've him before he took off running in the gate with all the other little kiddos.
As we were waiting for the gates to open he expressed how impatient he was, frustrated that he couldn't just run in when he wanted.  It was adorable :)

When Trevor went to pick him up he was so upset he didn't want to leave.  Trev had to just about throw him over his shoulder and carry this crying toddler all the way home.  Luckily he knows how to bribe him, and seeing as how well his first day went, he didn't mind :)  
I sadly had to work and wouldn't be home until after he already went to bed, but I'm glad I got to at least walk him to school that week.  Can't believe how big he is getting…

We are in love with the teachers and the amount of support they show.
Everyday Connor brings him his folder and the teacher sometimes will write to me in it telling me how Connor did that day [and I can write back if I want].
He's already got to bring him some "library books" and homework activities.
I think he's going to do very well, even more-so when he learns to transition better after school.
I'm not too sure how I'm going to take advantage of this newly found free time, but I see this as a great opportunity to find a new workout routine and get some crafts under my belt that I've been wanting to do.  God is good, and I cannot wait to see how the rest of this school year goes!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Year New Changes;;

I know it's been a very long time since I've updated.
Life has been very busy with Trevor getting out of the Marine Corps, our big move and us transitioning into the civilian world.  It is stressful and hectic, and just when things seem to be going right they take a turn for the worse…

Thankfully I have the cutest little boy who is so innocent that nothing in this world could break his smile… &This brings such joy to my heart every single day.
It's worth putting off my worries and stresses, and just enjoying our moments together.
He keeps me busy, but he also keeps me optimistic and sane<3.
We just celebrated his 3 year birthday… Wow.
This past year has been a WHIRLWIND!
Having him be diagnosed with Epilepsy, his daddy returning from his 4th deployment and 2x/week appointments at Speech &OT;  We've come a LONG way.
We are so blessed the Lord has been so good to us this past year despite all of our troubles… Connor has not had any more episodes since being on the medicine and has made tremendous progress in speech in OT.  Thankfully he just started Preschool today [which I will get to in a minute.]

Winters in Tracy are pretty predictable.  Very windy, usually an all cloudy sky, cold air and lots of rain.  Which is why we decided to have his party at our "new" home… Little did we know that the weather here lately would feel more like a late Spring in Tracy.  No wind, very warm and a very sunny sky.
With as many guests as we had we were glad to have such amazing and unpredictable weather.  Our home isn't very big, so we were able to take advantage of our big backyard.  
Connor had such a blast with his lil friends, and I had so much fun decorating for his party.
This year we chose to go with the theme of "Bubble Guppies".  His favorite cartoon on Nick Jr.

After decorating :)  Tried to make it as budget friendly as we could!
Thanks to Pinterest and free printables I was able to make my lil man's birthday theme come alive :)

CREDIT: Birthday Banner, Gil Pail and Favor Tags:  Party Decor By Chessa [FB]